Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ok, this is what I have got going on in my garden. I have an abundance of yellow squash. Great summer plant! It seems like the energizer bunny, it just keeps on producing. My kids are not fond of it, and I think they secretly wish they could yank the thing out. I however, am loving it. If any of you have any good recipes for squash please share, because I have only been making it two ways, and would love to reinvent it. My grapes are recovering after training them up my pergola, they should have the side covered by next year, and I think it will completely cover the top to shade my garden in a couple of years. Plus in the winter it should lose it's leaves and let the sun in. I am loving my sunflowers. They are so nice this time of year, and I can understand why Van Gogh used them as subjects in his paintings. They are huge and fun to watch grow. Next year I would like to plant more on the west side (thanks garden guy) to shade some of the flowers that suffer from the afternoon sun and see how well they do. So what is everyone else doing? Taking a break, planning for fall?

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