Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Producing More Bell Peppers and Wilting Tomato Vines

I have Cosmos, Zinias, Zuccini all sprouting. I have tons of sweet cucumbers still coming on and on and on. I bottled pickles last week! what a blast. I have basil and bell peppers still alive and about 3 straggly tomato plants. What do I do to keep the latter one alive and what do I do to maximize my bell peppers?


1 comment:

Lakeshore Garden Group said...

When your cucumbers start producing you may want to shade them. One of the things we learned in class, is that because our summer sun is so intense it can actually burn the fruit. So if we are still seeing 100 degree temperatures when it starts producing fruit, throw an old white sheet on them, but with open enough for air circulation. The plant actually runs along the ground as a natural protection for it, but we trellis it for more room and convenience, so we should provide some defenses for it.

That is so exciting about the eastern Europe seed, and so funny because I had my sister bring me some cucumber seed from Israel, because she said they were so delicious. I am excited to hear you are having luck with them. I think drying them is great idea, and my Mother made the best pickles from cucumbers my Dad grew. For example, cucumber seeds at the eating stage are not ripe and will not germinate if saved. You must allow the fruit and seed to fully mature. Because seed set reduces the vigor of the plant and discourages further fruit production, wait until near the end of the season to save fruit for seed.

I am so sad today, because I had to pull my squash plants, because I am inundated with squash bugs, and have noticed they are moving into my watermelon vines. They will attack cucumbers too, so be watchful with them. If you get inundated, you can spray BT on them, to get rid of them. I let mine go too long and lost too much to keep them.
